Saturday, 31 March 2012

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011.

Lancaster :)

Alrighty, lets get you updated on Smooshe’s travels!

On the 15th of November (just over 2 months since arriving in the UK) I finally decided to go somewhere other than just Grange and Kendal (not to say I don’t love those places, they will forever hold a special place in my heart!!)!

Kamila had been telling me how nice Lancaster was, bigger than Kendal, so I HAD to go! I got up early enough to catch the first bus to Grange (9:30) then waited a bit for the first train to Lancaster.

Witches go that way? Ok... I'm going...
I’d never ACTUALLY been to Lancaster. I HAD spent a short period of time there when I first arrived in the UK, but I’d stayed at the train station with my suitcases then. Because of this, I had no idea where I was going or what to expect. I didn’t even have a map!!

When the train stopped, I remembered that Kamila said to head right from the station and that street would take me to the shopping centre. I followed the other passengers and LO! (lol) I found shopping!

Now I’ve got to be honest, I wandered around for about 2 hours and I wasn’t impressed. Lancaster had most of the same shops as Kendal, only they were in Lancaster which was farther away for me to get to. I didn’t buy anything besides postcards and I started heading back to the train station.

On the way back to the station, I saw this funny little sign with a witch on it. An official looking street sign... but with a witch on it. Of course I had to follow.

Then I discovered the castle...
Sure looks like a castle to me!
So much fun to photograph!
I wandered around outside Lancaster Castle for a bit, taking pictures of the outside, enjoying the view (because castles have this habit of being perched on hills). I found a sign that said there were tours! So I took one! Unfortunately since it is still used as a court house, there’s no photography inside the castle.... but I got a few postcards and a good little book about the place. Did you know that the site has been used since Roman times? Like, BCE!!! That’s old!

When the tour was over I was a little less disappointed with my trip and glad I got a few good pictures (didn’t want the trip to be a waste!!).

Stay tuned for details of my whirlwind trip home!!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Let's play catch-up!

In case  you didn’t notice.... I kinda suck at this whole keeping-a-blog thing.

Well ok, that might be a bit of a stretch.... It’s not that I don’t want to write, it’s just that I don’t ever have sufficient adventures to write about! Since I last did a post (about work), all I’ve done is WORK! So I covered that already!

A little lie there, I did travel to a few places... so I’m going to do a few posts that will bring you up to speed!
Some little lamb-ies a few weeks ago... spring has sprung in Cartmel!!

But first... here's where we're at as of March 29th, 2012:
I did some number crunching when I went home in January (a post about that to come) and I realized that I really can’t afford to stay here :( It’s almost costing more to be here than I’m making. Paying for rent, crazy high cost of living and needing to send money home so I can pay the minimum payments on my student debt means that I can’t stay the full year I’d intended. So I got a job back home and put in my notice here (in that order because, honestly, I wouldn’t leave a for-sure pay check if I wasn’t sure I’d have another to go home to).

I will do my last shift this coming Sunday (April the 1st!) and then (hopefully) before headed to Canada (on the 19th), I’ll get some traveling in.

I DID do a little (very, VERY little) bit of travel in the last (almost) five months since my last post, so I’ll write those up to get you set for the new adventures.

So here come a couple posts for you!!!